Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh what a night.

So as of now Barack Obama is our president-elect. Anyone who knows me knows this isn't something I'm happy about.
I'm not going to make this about how much I dislike Obama, or what I think will or won't happen over the next four years, but I have learned a lot during the course of the election.
I've learned that for all the big talk about change and new ideas, people have never been more like themselves. This was an election about race. I can't count the number of people who I have heard say that they are voting for Obama because the idea of having a black president is cool to them. Not because of his stance on any one issue, but purely because he seems like a cool person. It scares me to think that all someone has to do is be likable or a minority and they have a good chance at becoming president.
This was also an election about blame. So many people across the board blame the current administration for the problems that we are having now. No one seems to think that it's conceivable that these problems started so many years ago, in my opinion during the presidency of Jimmy Carter. To suggest that however goes against what must be the truth though right? I mean Democrats are good and Republicans are evil. That's what it's boiled down to in this country.
We are a nation of spoiled, self-centered, uncaring brats. We want it our way or not at all. And if we don't get our way, we cry and fall on the ground, so much like the selfish children we are. I'm not saying I'm any better. For quite a while tonight I felt like so many of my friends were just the most ignorant people I've ever met.
I'm over it now. The election is done. It's time to move on and face the future.
The worst thing about losing is that someone has to do it. There's no choice. In any competition someone is going to come in second.
I think I


Martin144 said...

think about it the other way, all the people that voted for mccain because he is white.

from an outsiders perpective, obama seems like a better choice.

Unknown said...

"from an outsiders perpective, obama seems like a better choice."

Because he is more qualified? Or more likely to lay down and do whatever he is beckoned by the outside world?

Anonymous said...

the principles of conservatism have been lost among the Republicans. a party that is meant to be more about individual freedoms/rights now has incorporated a specific religion and a specific view into marriage, women's rights/bodies, and politics in general.
Thus lessening the conservative concepts.

therefore it only makes sense that a different party would take over once one party falters.
Democrats are more united at this point, and the country reflects this.

The Republican party is fractured.

The race issue is just a wash-- I'm sure a good portion of whites did not vote for Obama because he was black, elders and old whites overwhelming went with McCain.
Therefore proportionally as many votes for Obama bc he is black cancels the votes he lost because of his color.

However, beautifully, the man is biracial.

This election shouldn't be about what is right or wrong, which unfortunately it has become... just because you didn't vote one way doesn't mean you were right or wrong in doing so.

We cannot persecute a President who has not had a chance to show his power and grace or lack thereof... THAT is immature and brash.

kat said...

after carter was president (and a lousy one at that)we had 12 years of a republican white house. 8 with regan and 4 with bush sr. bush sr left a mess. after 8 years of clinton, the united states had a balanced budget AND an economic surplus. bush jr has DESTROYED that in his 8 years.

in regards to voting for obama because he's black, i fear you are correct in that was the motiviation for some. but not all. not all democrats are touchy feely lovey dovey. once hillary was out of it, i was going to vote for mccain as i thought he was the better qualified candidate. and then he chose that train wreck palin for his running mate and she scareds the shit out of me. i still was leaning my vote to mccain until i learned more about palin and biden. eventually, i voted obama. because i think he is the better choice over all.

i was surprised that virginia as a whole voted obama. usually virginia is a red state. california too. but california voted obama.

like you said, what's done is done and all we can do now is wait and see what happens. he might just surprise you and get things on the right track for americans.