Saturday, December 20, 2008

Times have changed, times are strange...

Babies Who Came Feet First is a record I really hated on when it came out. I don't know why it just did not grab me at all when I heard it. I put it on my shelf and never gave it a second thought.
This week I've probably listened to the entire record twice a day. The shit is so good to me. I don't know why it turned me off at first.
I don't know how many times I've heard a record or seen a movie for the first time and absolutely said there was no way in hell I'd ever like it, ever listen to or watch it again, only to come back to it later and obsess over it. I hate it when I do that. I feel like now every time I've seen Cold World since it came out I haven't enjoyed it as much as I could/should have because I was just sleeping on the record.
Now I'm worried that I'll never get to see them again. I don't have any reason to feel that way, but you just never know when a band is going to call it quits.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Takes all kinds I guess.

Sometimes you just gotta throw it in.

A comedian died last night, and nobody cares.

So in a few short months, The Watchmen is going to be upon us.
If you don't know, this movie has been a really long time coming, and many people thought it would never see the light of day.
The Watchmen, for those that don't know, was a twelve issue comic book series that started in 1986. The story is dense, dark, layered, and in many people's opinions the finest comic book series ever crafted. I would have to agree, there are very few storylines that even compare to it.
I'm not going to give you a run down of the plot, because if you're really interested you'll pick it up anyway and read it before the movie comes out.
Basically, the movie is going to be every geek/fanboy's wet dream come true. If you know anything about the series then you know that so far from the looks of everything Zac Snyder has captured so many images from the comic book it doesn't even make sense. Every time I watch one of the trailers or see new footage I'm seeing something that I didn't see before.
I guess I'm just caught up in the marketing of the whole thing. There's a lot of cool things coming out in relation to the movie. A friend of mine just downloaded an app for his ipod touch that has all this content from the movie, as well as a countdown clock to when the movie comes out.
If you enjoy a good story then you should pick it up, I mean it was ranked on Time's 100 greatest novels list. That's gotta be saying something right?

One down,

two to go.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

and this is how the story goes...

A classic song from a classic era. Nothing else to be said about it.

What's in a name?

Holland Township family angry that supermarket won't personalize cake for their son
Sunday December 14, 2008, 12:16 AM

JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell and Adolf Hitler Campbell.

Good names for a trio of toddlers? Heath and Deborah Campbell think so. The Holland Township couple has picked those names and the oldest child, Adolf Hitler Campbell, turns 3 today.

This has given rise to a problem, because the ShopRite supermarket in Greenwich Township has refused to make a cake for young Adolf's birthday.

"We believe the request ... to inscribe a birthday wish to Adolf Hitler is inappropriate," said Karen Meleta, a ShopRite spokeswoman.

The Campbells turned down the market's offer to make a cake with enough room for them to write their own inscription and can't understand what all of the fuss is about.
"ShopRite can't even make a cake for a 3-year-old," said Deborah Campbell, 25, who is Heath's wife of three years and the mother of the children. "That's sad."

Others, such as Anti-Defamation League director Barry Morrison, applauded Shop Rite's decision.

"Might as well put a sign around their (the children's) neck that says bigot, racist, hatemonger," said Morrison. "What's the difference?"

Seek Truth

I haven't been on here in a while. I don't know why, lately I have been spending a lot of time in front of the computer, really just doing nothing.
My personal life is really upside down right now. I'll spare you the gory details, but my head is in 8 million different places every day.
I'm lucky though, I have the best friends that a person could ever ask for. You never realize that you are surrounded by good people until you are in a crisis. We always take our friends for granted, but the people who have reached out to me lately and helped me out, well they'll never know how much it's meant or what it's done for me. I know a lot of people say shit like this, but my friends save my life every time.
Life is so fucking crazy. You see everything going one way, and then over the course of weeks or months it's like, nope. This is what's happening, and it's not what you thought was going to happen. Good luck, make the best of it.
And that's all you can do. You just take what you're given, and move forward. God this could get really cliche really fast.
I don't know. It's when you search for answers that you never find them. You have to take the days as they come, and you'll find what you're looking for. I've just made the most of my time, and I will continue to do so.
Life is life. What happens happens, you do what you love and fuck the rest.