Do you remember the the first thing you spent a lot of money on for yourself? The first thing that you saw that you had to have, that your parents could not understand whatsoever why you would buy something like that? For me it was the Nike Air Max 95.
I had been working at a shoe store, well not just shoes but a Foot Locker type place since my sophmore year. The manager there was pretty clueless about what was going to sell, so he had us go through the catalogs and pick out the stuff he needed to order. I wish I had some of those catalogs now. God there was so much good stuff in them.
Anyway, I can remember seeing the 95s in a catalog. They blew my mind. I had never seen anything like that, and I knew I had to have them. Now this was the first pair of $150 shoes that I ever paid full price for. For some reason we couldn't get our discount on them. But it didn't matter. I had to have them.
When I wore those shoes to school, I had everyone's neck breaking. Everyone was on me for those shoes, they couldn't believe these sneakers. I don't know if kids did this at your school, but they became my Friday shoes. On Fridays it seemed like everyone tried to look a little more fresh, maybe they thought that would jumpstart their weekend if they were stepping at school dressed to the nines. 95s became my Friday shoes without a doubt, and in the spring they got a lot of rotation too because the looked so good with shorts.
I've got a love affair with these shoes, it's just one of those things I guess. When they came out it was just one of those things I guess, kind of one of those moments in time with shoes and clothes I guess. It sounds dumb when I say it out loud and read it on here, but it's the truth.
The pair in this picture is from the 97 retro, I've managed to keep them pretty clean. I had held on to my ogs up until a couple of years ago, but they were so dogged out I had to powerline them.
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