Babies Who Came Feet First is a record I really hated on when it came out. I don't know why it just did not grab me at all when I heard it. I put it on my shelf and never gave it a second thought.
This week I've probably listened to the entire record twice a day. The shit is so good to me. I don't know why it turned me off at first.
I don't know how many times I've heard a record or seen a movie for the first time and absolutely said there was no way in hell I'd ever like it, ever listen to or watch it again, only to come back to it later and obsess over it. I hate it when I do that. I feel like now every time I've seen Cold World since it came out I haven't enjoyed it as much as I could/should have because I was just sleeping on the record.
Now I'm worried that I'll never get to see them again. I don't have any reason to feel that way, but you just never know when a band is going to call it quits.